Hi, I’m Kathy Graham and it’s a pleasure to meet you.

This website is the result of my attending a Harvard University course on Organizational Behavior taught by Professor Paul Green, who likes to be called “Paul.” The course and Paul’s teaching was absolutely phenomenal.

In the section on Motivation Beyond Self-Interest, Paul asked the class how many like to help others and most said yes, they like to help others. Then he asked how many like to ask for help and most didn’t reply. ☹️ He finished by requiring the entire class to ask the entire rest of the class for help on something.

I asked the class to share with me the area that would be most helpful to understand to grow their careers. Their request for information is the same question request that Jazmin Beltran, Digital Content Leader/Growth Editor for the American Bar Association, asks me in the Listening section on the More Advice page. It’s on the same topic that almost all of my clients, who are executives, C-Suite, and Board Directors want to know the answer. The question is:

  •  I know that Weak Ties are essential to have more success in gaining a position and getting promoted, but how do you make an acquaintance, someone you met in a professional setting, or even friends of friends—

    • how do you transform basically strangers into weak ties?  What do you? What do you say?

This website is dedicated to answering that question. The answer basically is the same that it has always been: when you meet a stranger and want to get to know the person better, share food and conversation with them. BREAK BREAD and you MAKE TIES, start these new business relationships and soon you’ll have more weak tie career connections.

As founder and CEO of The HQ Companies, teaching our clients to build weak ties in their own unique styles has been a bedrock of all our career growth services for professionals, through executives/C-Suite, and Board Directors…and we have an over 80% success rate in doing so. 😊

So, enjoy! This website is our gift to you as we’re committed to growing companies through growing you…and THANK YOU, Paul Green and my fellow Organizational Behavior students for being the inspiration.

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